To help us ensure we will have capacity to complete your colour analysis, it is crucial to submit your pictures and information on the same date as your payment. Please review the guidelines before making your payment.
It is also recommended to click the 'Buy Now' button on the Make a payment section to find out if we have spaces open. If the text 'Out of Stock' appears then this means we do not have open spaces at this time. It would be recommended to join our notification list at the link (spaces usually will open in 1-2 business days).
Once you've selected the item that's right for you, add it to your cart and go to Checkout. There you'll fill in your billing information, complete your payment and place your order.
Please ensure that you have your pictures and information ready to submit on the same day as your payment.
Please email all of the pictures and required information.
To view a picture and information submission example along with an optional template you may choose to use for your submission, please see the 2 files at this link.
You can expect an email confirmation from us within 3 business days. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive an email in your inbox.
Once you receive your confirmation email, you can expect to receive your results email from us within 30 business days, please check your Spam folder if you do not receive the report in your Inbox.
Receive your colour analysis report within 30 business days after submitting your pictures and information.
This report will include descriptions and images that will provide insight into the analysis process including: indicating your colour analysis results (undertone, home season and flow of home season), what was seen in your eye pattern and skin qualities over time that assisted with the result determination, a description of the 3 steps of colour analysis and what is looked at for each step and your picture against colours comparing cool vs warm, comparing home seasons and comparing the applicable home season for your result with the flows of that home season.
*Please note this is a report template we use that will be filled in with your specific colour analysis details.
*USD pricing may vary depending on US exchange rates; your payment method will be charged in CAD and the financial institution of your payment method will conduct the foreign currency exchange.
4 in stock
Is the service you are looking for out of stock?
Thank you for your interest in our colour analysis services!
There is a maximum number of people Carol can colour analyze in a day and we control how many clients we accept each day through our website.
We open up spaces each business day at 8am ET (if they are out of stock on the site). These spots are secured on a first come, first serve basis.
No matter what package you decide to go with, your virtual colour analysis results contain
Carol Brailey will perform a colour analysis on your submitted photos to arrive at your skin undertone, primary colour season, and flow of colour season.
Using the 16-season system, a thorough colour analysis of your undertone, seasonal colours, and flow analysis will be performed.
Discover your optimal colours for clothing, makeup, and accessories.
As part of the digital downloads, you will receive a generic optimal hair colour list for your colour palette, along with a link to our hair colour playlist on YouTube that will include a more detailed view of optimal hair colour ranges for your colour analysis result for you to customize for you.
You will receive a Zoom background palette and a digital download of your best palette that is best suited to your skin undertone, primary colour season, and flow of colour season. This helps you select the best colours for your clothing, jewellery, accessories, and makeup.
After receiving your colour analysis result, you may be interested in purchasing a handheld colour reference. Those are available for optional purchase on our Colour Analysis Kits page (see Products menu). Please see the bottom of the Colour Analysis Kits page for our purchase suggestions based on each colour analysis result.
If you have questions about your colour analysis results, we offer a post-virtual colour analysis consultation option available for booking in our calendar up to 7 days after your colour analysis results are sent to you.
Upon enrolling in The Personalized Virtual Colour Analysis Package, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to book your post-analysis Zoom appointment* for a later date.
*Subject to Carol’s availability. We unfortunately cannot guarantee all clients of this package a space and it is advised when receiving your confirmation email for your Personalized Virtual Colour Analysis Package booking to book this appointment if there is availability and you are interested.
Service Update Note:
Please be aware when booking this service that availability of these calls are extremely limited.
We do ask due to the limited availability for these calls to watch the playlists you are sent in the digital download with your results first before booking. If there are still questions, please schedule this call and be aware that you may be waiting some time for your call. We find 95-100% of all questions asked in Zoom calls are answered when viewing all materials sent with your results.
Please join our email list to be notified when our services become available. All services when released, will be secured on a first-come, first-served basis.
By registering for this email list, you will not be receiving marketing emails from us and we would never share your email. We don’t do marketing emails. The only potential email(s) you may receive are email notification(s) as described above. You will not receive an email after subscribing to this list.